Organize a Day Simulator Clinic For Your Barn

Book a Clinic With the Simulator

Racewood dressage or jumping simulator Group Bookings.

Book your group for equitation assessment with the riding simulator, with Train Your Seat Embodied Rider Biomechanics Coach, Trish Tweddell.

Work on a specific area of your equitation. The racewood simulator gives you time to feel areas of your anatomy during equitation. The value is in bringing new feel and riding strategies to apply with your horse.

During the session we use balls and bands to gain insights to new movement possibilities.

Riders get a chance to experience how theirĀ anatomy is moving with the horse. This is effective at training the nervous system to be able to achieve similar results with your horse.

Organize your clients, students or friends for an informative, fun and interactive group session.

Fast track improvements in equitation with one of the best equitation training tools in Western Canada.

Lunch and coffee provided.

$1575/day (maximum 10 participants)

Get Started With the Simulator ClinicĀ Booking

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